The Early Intervention Psychosocial Support Response (EIPSR) is a partnership between Alfred Health and Sacred Heart Mission to provide a holistic response for clients of Alfred Mental and Addiction Health.
Our services
The program is designed to build the capacity of people to manage their mental health and increase social participation so they can live a healthy and contributing life.
In the 12 month program, clients work with their Mental Health Case Manager who will provide outreach based, recovery focused services including assessment, psychosocial support and service coordination.
A key focus of the program will be to assist clients to obtain and sustain appropriate housing and, where eligible, access ongoing supports through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
How to get a referral to the EIPSR
All referrals come through Alfred Mental and Addiction Health.
For further information about eligibility and referrals, please contact St Kilda Road Clinic on (03) 9076 9888 or speak to your Alfred Health Clinical Case Manager.
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