We know that with the right support and resources, everyone has the potential to live a fulfilling life.
Sacred Heart Mission is a Victorian not-for-profit organisation established in 1982 by the local parish to serve people in the community most in need.
Like many initiatives of social justice, Sacred Heart Mission began modestly, providing daily meals and a place of unconditional welcome for people experiencing homelessness, deep disadvantage and social exclusion in St Kilda. Over the past four decades, we have grown into an innovative and evidence-based organisation, supporting hundreds of people every year to live fulfilling lives and achieve their personal goals.
Today, our wide-ranging services include housing support, health and wellbeing, aged care, women’s services and social and economicinclusion programs. Founded on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, our purpose remains unchanged. At the heart of everything we do is a strong belief in the inherent dignity of every person, human rights and selfdetermination. We are committed to strengthening communities through inclusion, empathy and social justice so that everyone is respected and celebrated for who they are.
We see every day that when people have a meaningful say in the issues that impact them, the outcomes are always better. Our services are designed and delivered in close partnership with service participants to provide support that is carefully tailored to their needs. We know that with the right support and resources, everyone has the potential to live a fulfilling life.

Our Accreditations
Human Services Standards, transitioning to the new Social Service Standards
National Standards for Mental Health Services
Aged Care Quality Standards
Registered provider of services for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Quality Improvement Council Health and Community Services Standards
Sacred Heart Mission is fully committed to continuous quality improvement in all aspects of the organisation, from our business and operations to our service delivery areas, from our Board and volunteers through to our service delivery staff. This focus ensures that we regularly review and assess what we do and how we do it in order to continually refine and improve our services. It is important to ensure that we are not only delivering on our strategic plan but most importantly that we are meeting the needs and supporting change and positive outcomes for the people accessing our services.
Sacred Heart Mission is a Child Safe Organisation. Please read our Child Safe Statement here.
Strategy 2030
In the 42 years since our foundation, our purpose to serve people most in need remains unchanged. Then, now and into the future – we commit to serving people experiencing homelessness, deep disadvantage and social exclusion. We are ready to extend beyond our traditional St Kilda footprint and go to where there is need.
Statement of inclusion
Sacred Heart Mission celebrates people’s diversity. We offer a safe and inclusive culture where everyone is welcomed for who they are. We apply an intersectional lens to all our work. We recognise there are many dimensions to one’s identity including gender, age, ethnicity, religion, sexuality and ability.
RAP Statement of Commitment
With Indigenous Australians making up more than 10 percent of the people who come to us for support, Sacred Heart Mission commits to providing accessible and culturally appropriate services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
We also have, and continue to promote, Aboriginal staffing, business suppliers and connections with Aboriginal workers in our areas of operation. We have committed to reconciliation since 2012, striving to walk together with Aboriginal people and community to bring two worlds together and make it a fair, safe and welcoming place for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. Read our Reconciliation Action Plan to see how we are achieving this.
Affiliation with the Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Mission is an example of the Catholic Church in action and the rich tradition of Catholic Social Teaching on confronting poverty, enhancing human dignity and advocating for a more just society.
Don’t miss a beat
Learn more about homelessness and how we can solve it together in our newsletter, Heartbeat