Embedding lived experience voice across our organisation
In late 2023, we established the Executive Advisory Group on Lived Experience (EAGLE) with 10 participants who have a lived or living experience of accessing our services. The members contribute their wisdom, commitment and determination to make services and systems better for others. Together with EAGLE, we developed the Lived Experience Advisory Framework (LEAF), which will become an integral part of Sacred Heart Mission’s core business.
LEAF integrates our efforts in gathering participant feedback and promoting consumer participation under the concept of lived experience. It is the culmination of genuine co-design including the framework’s name, purpose and key principles.
What is the EAGLE?
We are a group of people brought together by our shared experiences at Sacred Heart Mission and we have already become like a family.
We decided on the name EAGLE because we like the freedom and joy that is symbolised by a bird. We also want to pay respects to Traditional Owners and acknowledge the Boonwurrung creator, Bundjil, who is an eagle.
We are humble but we know we have a lot to give, and we want our voices heard.
What is the main purpose of the EAGLE?
On our first meeting we sat together and agreed – our purpose is to change lives. Our shared goals are to give something back and to make the system better for others. We have all had challenges using services and we don’t wish those on anyone. We are turning our traumas with an abusive system into superpowers!

What is the LEAF?
The LEAF is the Lived Experience Advisory Framework. We decided on that name also because of the symbolism of growth, beauty and protection that is provided by trees. We worked hard together with staff, volunteers and participants from across the organisation to make the LEAF.
It is a gift from us to you and an invitation to work with us and everyone that accesses services at Sacred Heart Mission for the better.
If we put the LEAF to good use, what will Sacred Heart Mission be like in 2030?
Sacred Heart Mission will be bigger and better! The LEAF is about accountability. We are giving you clear advice and guidance on how you can meaningfully listen to our expertise and incorporate it into the heart of everything that you do.
The LEAF is central to achieving the goals of Strategy 2030. Services will be better for participants, staff will find more meaning in their work and there will be savings for the organisation, the government and donors.
The LEAF is also about the human-to-human. It will help heal minds and bodies as well as improve the bricks and mortar services we need like better housing. The LEAF is a gift from us to you and we really hope you will accept our invitation to work together to change lives.
EAGLE members
We gratefully acknowledge each inaugural member of EAGLE for their invaluable contributions:
- Catherine Aloise
- Georgia
- Luke Mason
- Chris Reid
- Lee Jwa
- Gemma Leech
- Jessie Reinshagen
- Tim Morrisby
- Clifford De Gee
- Geoffrey Tevlin

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