At Sacred Heart Mission, we welcome and accept people as they are
We recognise that everyone’s journey is unique and we work to provide people with support that is effective and carefully tailored to their individual needs.
We understand that a complex interrelationship exists between trauma exposure, homelessness, mental health and social disadvantage. We offer an integrated and trauma-informed response aimed at addressing the underlying causes of deep, persistent disadvantage and social exclusion.
Our service model & approach
Our service model is organised into three service types: Engagement Hubs, Individual Planned Support and Ongoing Support. These service types work together using the approach we call the Continuum of Care (CoC), to provide a consistent relationship-based response, with the level and duration of support based on an individual’s unique needs.
Lived experience advisory framework (LEAF)
A key priority of Sacred Heart Mission’s strategic plan, Strategy 2030, is to embed lived experience voice across our organisation.
We will achieve this by creating mechanisms that enable people to have a say in the decisions that impact them and providing opportunities for people to share their feedback and stories with agency and pride.
To find out more, read our Lived Experience Advisory Framework (LEAF), developed in partnership with the Executive Advisory Group on Lived Experience (EAGLE).
Trauma-informed care
Our work at Sacred Heart Mission is guided by a Trauma-Informed Care approach. This means every interaction across all our services supports a person’s recovery from trauma.

Our services
We deliver programs and services in collaboration with a network of specialist, referral and service partners to provide wraparound support for our clients.
Don’t miss a beat
Learn more about homelessness and how we can solve it together in our newsletter, Heartbeat