
We’re Opening a New Op Shop in Coburg!

Marjie Darke Marketing and Digital Coordinator
24 July 2023

Sacred Heart Mission is excited to announce the opening of our 14th op shop, on Saturday, 29 July 2023, located at 297-301 Sydney Road, Coburg.

With its unique personality and modern op shop atmosphere, the store aims to serve as a hub for Coburg’s community providing a welcoming and safe space for people from all backgrounds to shop affordably and sustainably and connect with others.

“We hope this store will become a favourite destination for shoppers along Sydney Road,” says Social Enterprise Manager, Michael McGann. “We can’t wait to bring another Sacred Heart Mission Op Shop to Melbourne’s North. The addition of our Coburg store will make it easier for locals to shop and rehome pre-loved goods.”

Exclusive opening event for Mission Mate loyalty card holders

On our Grand Opening Day, from 10am to12pm, the store will be open exclusively to members of the organisation’s loyalty program, Mission Mates. To sign up to the Mission Mates program, visit any of Sacred Heart Mission’s stores.

The Coburg op shop will open its doors to all community members on 29 July from 12pm.

Sacred Heart Mission’s op shops: good for the environment and the community

Sacred Heart Mission op shops are proud to support Melbourne’s communities to reduce their carbon footprint, by providing a space to donate their preloved goods to a new home.

Collectively with our donors and customers, Sacred Heart Mission’s op shops saved more than 370,000 kg of clothing and 26,000 kg of bric-a-brac from landfill in 2022/23.

“Together, we can make a positive impact on the environment while also supporting our most vulnerable, because our op shops raise up to 30 per cent of funds for Sacred Heart Mission’s services for people experiencing homelessness and disadvantage – including the Dining Hall and the Women’s House,” says Michael McGann.

Sacred Heart Mission’s Coburg op shop (297-301 Sydney Road, Coburg) will be open 10:30am – 5:30pm, 7 days a week from 29 July 2023.

Media Contact

For further information and media enquiries, please contact:

Marjie Darke,
Marketing Coordinator at Sacred Heart Mission,