
Chapel Street Op Shop Event 2024

Samantha Arthur, Op Shop Marketing Coordinator
Samantha Arthur Marketing and Digital Coordinator
23 November 2024
Chapel Street Event
Our famous Chapel Street op shop event is back!

For over 7 years, Sacred Heart Mission’s Chapel Street op shop has hosted premium shopping events – showcasing the incredible donations the store receives throughout the year.

From high-end designer fashion and accessories to antiques and collectibles, the event sees the store packed to the brim with lavish donations.

Keen op shoppers can expect to find labels such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Prada as well as mid-century furniture, lavish homewares as well as original art.

‘This year we have some fabulous furniture up for grabs, I’m so excited to see what customers will purchase’ says Chapel Street Manager, Trish Williams.

Doors open at 10am but line up early!

Learn more about the history of our Chapel Street events