
Melinda Rich

Chief Operating Officer
Melinda Rich

Melinda is a senior executive with strong skills across corporate and shared services. She is accountable for enterprise support across Sacred Heart Mission, including finance, information technology, infrastructure and sustainability, and transformation and performance.

Prior to joining Sacred Heart Mission, Melinda was Executive General Manager Corporate Services at RACV. Her experience spans leadership roles in the financial services, transport, agribusiness, mining and manufacturing sectors.

Melinda has extensive experience at board level in not-for-profit organisations, with previous roles as director and chair of JOY Media and as chair of the RACV Community Foundation. She currently sits on the boards of the Victorian Pride Centre, PHOTO Australia and Market Forces.

Melinda holds degrees in Engineering (Mechanical) and Arts (Politics/Philosophy), and a Master of Business Administration. She is also a Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia.